Corporate and Partnership Tax

Schedule a free consultation with our team and let’s make things happen!

At Drage CPA our professionals are specialized in preparing complex tax returns for Corporations, Partnerships and LLCs while ensuring compliance, minimizing tax exposure, and maximizing available credits.

We can review your previously filed returns to ensure you are compliant and receive the full benefits allowed by the tax code.

Contact us today for your initial consultation.

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The taxation of flow-through entities allows businesses to obtain a tax result mirroring their economic deal.

Entities (like LLCs) classified as partnerships or S corporations for tax purposes, also known as pass-through entities, offer businesses the opportunity to structure flexible economic deals while paying only a single layer of tax, as opposed to the double layer of tax paid by C corporations. Additionally, pass-through entities are eligible to make use of the section 199A deduction that can reduce their effective tax rates.

Flow-through entities provide opportunities for businesses to create deals capturing both the desired economic and tax outcome. At Drage CPA our experienced tax professionals can help you with all phases, from admitting a new partner or shareholder to wrapping up and liquidating a business.

The government is constantly updating and implementing different tax credits available to businesses. Unfortunately, many times, they are overlooked, or wrongly implemented.

Don’t miss the benefits of these government tax credits! Team up with Drage CPA in reviewing and analyzing what works best for your specific business situation.

State laws have become more complex with regards to charging and collecting sales and use tax; the new rules on “nexus” can trigger tax obligations at any point in time anywhere in the country. Failing to register and pay these taxes could carry heavy penalties and added interest. At Drage CPA, our professionals remain up-to-date with state regulations and automation systems in order to implement a new plan or revise your current one. Don’t let a State catch you by surprise with an unexpected tax bill.

You have built a successful business and have worked hard for years, now, you are thinking about retiring. Unfortunately, you, like many other businesses people, may have forgotten to implement a business exit strategy and agreeing this late in the game with your partner(s) may become complicated.

The professionals at Drage CPA are experienced in implementing and reviewing current exit strategies and will guide you in how to effectively and securely retire without creating unnecessary tax implications and protecting your legacy. We worked hand in hand with your legal counsel in ensuring the best outcome.

Not all tax returns are created equally! Don’t risk the success and health of your businesses with tax preparers that lack the adequate knowledge to help you comply with the law while minimizing your business tax liability.

Preparing tax returns for corporations, partnerships, or LLC’s require specific up-to-date legal knowledge and entrusting this task to the wrong team could become very costly to you.

At Drage CPA, we have professionals specialized in the needs and requirements of each type of business entity and we are here to assist you with new filing or with the review and amendment of previous ones.

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